+7 (495) 916 12 58


 The "Internatioal" advocacy bureau



About us



…we are fourteen




Calmly and confidently do we meet the year which turned to be very special for us.

Long ago, in 2000, three lawyers of the “Mosyurtsentr” advocacy  bar’ international service had made up their mind to start their own advocacy business. Now 12 attorney-at-laws to say nothing of legal interns and assistants work together in our bureau.

Thus, rendering of the highly qualified aid to both Russian citizens and legal entities in the territory of Russia as well as abroad has become the main goal of the “International”. The legal aid is also granted to foreign persons and organizations in Russia.

Among those whom we managed to help there are Russians and foreigners in and from  Czech Republic and Germany, Austria and the USA, Spain and Australia, Switzerland, Malta, Georgia, Lithuania, Ukraine… The list is unclosed and ever grows. It is crystal clear that we render the legal aid not only for clients from abroad.  Without unveiling advocacy secrets we can satisfactorily mention  such our clients as the Russian State Humanitarian University, Moscow theatres’actors, JSC “Podvodtruboprovodstroy”,  Yuri Levada Analytic Centre, the doctors from the UpDK Medical  Centre…

Let us narrate briefly of the principles of our activities. Here are some of them.

Firstly. A skill in foreign languages practice along with a membership in the IBA (London) gives us an opportunity to be rapidly linked with our colleagues actually in every  country we need it. Which, in its turn, enables us to cope  with  ordinary civil and criminal cases,  various problems  of establishing and running of the companies and joint ventures abroad,  preparation, signing and execution  of the international contracts.

Secondly. The Bureau does not strive for artificial  broadening of the personnel. Although there are highly skilled and experienced lawyers in our company who came from outside, our HR practice  mostly  associated with those assistants and legal interns who after gaining an “attorney-at-law  status” are eager of remaining  with us.

And else. A number of  our attorney-at-laws  have a great  deal of  background skills in legal work of governmental bodies,  law enforcement, various fields of Russian economy, in journalism, publishing, lecturing  and commercial activities.

Besides, an important  pecularity of our  bureau  practice  lies in a principle of working as a  unique team. Which means that on signing an agreement with any of our lawyers a client automatically gains a  legal service of all of the other lawyers. Each of them is prepared to do his bit with the utmost care in that legal sphere  where he approves to be the best.


So, you are welcome. We are nearby. We will help.


Адрес: РФ, Москва, 105120, 2-ой Сыромятнический пер., 10А, оф. 302
Тел.:+7(495) 916-12-58
E-mail: interadvokat@bk.ru
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